11 reasons why one may not need waterproofing on projects !
Published by Hemant Chauhan in Waterproofing.
- One feels that the increased Cost component of (i.e. less than) 1.8% of the total project cost for using waterproofing system is too high to spend on a construction project
- One has got a construction contractor who has Godly powers and there is no error ever on his part or has a super human team of labour who will work on your site
- It never ever rains in your area.
- The plumbing is guaranteed to never leak in the life time, be it bathrooms or kitchen or any area with water contact in your structure
- Your construction project is in a region where there is no water table to affect your basement areas
- You are that guy who will just sell the apartments you constructed, and care too hoots about the people who will inhabit it, even if they face damp ceilings and moist walls.
- You do not believe that temperature variations of summers and winter will ever cause cracks in your building structure.
- You simply do not care if your project will be a hassle free place to inhabit, or not !
- Again waterproofing is just like insurance, it is matter of “if” the building ever leaks. So you feel it will never leak in your life time.
- You think that concrete is a non-porous material and that moisture cannot climb up in concrete structures through capillary action. (Google it to understand better)
- Waterproofing is a silly concept for you
- Sunken Portion has to be dug out again; this involves huge cost of redoing those areas, new fitting news tiles everything!
- Once occupied, it is not easy to vacate the area again for waterproofing treatments.
- Uncooperative neighbours, who won’t let you disturb their space just because their own bathroom or kitchen plumbing has screwed your false ceiling or walls, as the non-existent or failed waterproofing has allowed the leaked water to seep through.
- Temperature variations
- Workmanship issues
- Errors in specifications
- Negligent supervision in construction
- Correct Specification of the material to be used
- Quality of the Product that is to be used
- Application Quality and supervision of application
- Asphalt/Tar based systems are obsolete and of no use. Asphalt also creates future problems in repairs, as it has to be burnt out before application of newer advanced polymer coatings. Their performance is good only in dry areas where basic material come from i.e. Dubai, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc.
- Modern Waterproofing chemicals are advanced polymers based and are specified according to the area where they have to be used. As exposure to temperature changes, moisture and type of construction play a factor in performance of the waterproofing coatings so …..
- Apply plaster on the outer side; plaster should be treated with waterproofing admixtures @ 100-150gms per bag of cement.
- A basic waterproof barrier coat based on polymer and cement mix which has limited flexibility needs to be applied over this plaster. This generally is a system with Polymer One Part and Cement Two parts kinds of system. Attention no water is to be added to such system. Two coats are sufficient for such areas where temperature variation is not much
- Same treatment of Polymer coating as above for basement as there is not much temperature variation and so does not need a very flexible system.
- Pay attention to make “Gola” or cove at the edges in the sunken areas, using a modified polymer or a bonding agent of any good brand. This modified polymer bonding agent is not the same as polymer coating described above.
- A flexible coating system is needed, that shall bridge hairline cracks in the concrete slabs. These cracks are bound to occur due to extreme temperature changes, causing the slabs to crack causing waterproofing problems if a proper system is not present.
- There are many products available based on acrylic polymers, PU systems, single component or dual component based.
- From many of the advanced systems available that have a cost factor associated to them according to their flexibility and performance qualities, we would recommend a basic 3 Layer system with fibre reinforcement. It will be the same system used for sunken areas, but added with one extra layer of Polymer and cement mix coating and one additional layer of fibre. This will provide a strong crack resistant system for terrace area
- Always use a plaster admixture for all exterior plaster and where ever you have to apply plaster close to potential moisture exposed areas
- If your contractor/waterproofing applicator is adding water to a coating system, it is a wrong material and wrong method of waterproofing. We can call it an “eye-wash”. As it would be an SBR based product that is used for repairs and bonding and not as a coating system
- Technology has advanced and it is now possible to have reduction of labour leading to a simple application processes.
- There are systems available like crystalline waterproofing. One just needs to add these crystalline waterproofing systems in the concrete or mortar mix, creating a dependable waterproof structure. Although a bit expensive they reduce labour and application cost along with the reduction in time needed to finish the project thereby justifying the use of such systems.